What does it mean when I am told there is a low chance of success for my referee on Online Submissions? What should I do about this or who can I ask for help?
When adding referees in the online submissions hub, on entering your referee’s email address, you may see a message appear to tell you that we have a low chance of contacting this referee.
If you see this message, it means the person you are putting forward has previously told Chambers they wish to opt out of receiving future communication from us. Our chances of making contact with a person who has opted out are lower.
If this should happen, you are welcome to put forward a different referee if you are able to. However, if you have asked this referee if they are happy to participate in our research on your behalf and they have confirmed that they are happy to do so, you can also forward the referee’s written confirmation to our customer success team at
customersuccess@chambers.com, and they can update our records so your referee can be included in our referee emails.